Wednesday, March 4, 2009

World's problem, Pakistan.....

For a lot of Pakistanis, this is actually a source of pride. They were merely India's and Afghanistan's problem with their wide assortment of "freedom fighters" and merciless killers. Now they have ambitions of killing Sri Lankans, Americans and other assorted Europeans.

The Pakistani media have now seamlessly moved from "We are not the problem" to "This is the world's problem". The lack of responsibility is appaling, but understandable; as any conscentious voice will be gunned down pretty quick, given the total breakdown of law and order in that country. The Pakistani media is speaking in wide hyperboles about how "the innocence has been lost" in the recent cricket attacks. They lost their innocence long ago by paying reverence to violent people and calling them martyrs and heroes.

Terrorism is a business and an economic activity and so these terrorists will not lay down their guns and go back to being watchmen. So Pakistanis will get to enjoy the feeling of being the "innocent victims" for quite some time time, a feeling they so gleefully heaped on their neighbors by harboring a cancer that has now turned on itself.

There are big concerns for India down the line. Once America loses its interest in Afghanistan, the now American trained Pakistan military(and their close relatives, the terrorists) will come back with renewed vengeance to their favorite playing grounds of India and Afghanistan.

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